How AI Email Management Helps You Organize Your Inbox

Falak Preet Kaur
ByFalak Preet Kaur

8 mins read

Email management is one hectic and tedious task that hinders you from working productively. A cluttered inbox can make anyone close their email app. That's why it's important to clean up your inbox regularly to manage your emails better. AI email management is an effective tactic to help you sort and segregate emails, respond to emails faster, label the important ones, and achieve zero inbox.

This guide will uncover how AI email management can supercharge your productivity and what tools you can use to manage your cluttered inbox.

What is email management?

Email management is the art of organizing, prioritizing, and handling email communications efficiently and effectively. It involves various tasks such as reading, responding, archiving, and email searching. Effective email management is crucial for individuals and organizations to stay organized, maintain clear communication, and optimize productivity.

We get tons of emails daily, and it's very hard to get the priorities right since the inboxes always need to be clearer. Our inboxes need a detox too. AI can be a great assistant in managing and decluttering your inbox quickly and effectively.

Benefits of AI email management

AI can be super effective when you must clean up and work on only important things to improve productivity and yield results. There are several ways AI email management can be a lifesaver:

  • Creates a healthy and clean inbox for you to work by removing unnecessary messages and bringing forward the important messages.
  • It also fights spam and fraudulent messages** by understanding the context so that you are not vulnerable to harmful messages and websites.
  • AI email management can automate your responses like frequently asked questions and other repetitive messages.
  • Saves a huge amount of time by letting you focus on important messages and provides a clean inbox for you.

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How AI email management works

AI uses NLP and machine learning algorithms to manage your inbox. It can help you organize and be productive in several ways. Let's learn how it does that:

1. Organizes the inbox

AI can categorize and analyze the context of emails and metadata of incoming emails to automatically organize and categorize them. This helps you work on the important things and prioritize the tasks that need your attention. It organizes the inbox in these ways:

  • Priority sorting: AI can learn from your behavior, such as how frequently you open, reply, mark as an important group of emails, and prioritize the incoming emails in the future.
  • Labeling email folders: AI can categorize different emails and add them to relevant folders or apply labels to them. AI understands the emails' context, keywords, and sentiments and then categorizes and labels the emails based on the content. AI can automatically categorize emails into folders or apply labels based on their content.
  • Unsubscription suggestions: AI tools can even suggest the content you would want to unsubscribe from based on your preferences or patterns of non-engagement with those emails.

💡Related guide: A Comprehensive Guide to Organizing And Using Email Threads

2. Prioritizes the important messages

AI can learn from user behavior and preferences to create a priority inbox. AI can highlight or separate high-priority emails from the rest by analyzing sender importance, email content, past interactions, and user-defined rules. This ensures that important messages are given immediate attention and reduces the risk of missing critical information.

3. Filters out spams

AI-powered spam filters can accurately identify and filter out unwanted or malicious emails, preventing them from cluttering the inbox. These filters use machine learning algorithms to continuously learn from patterns and characteristics of spam emails, adapting to new types of spam. They analyze email content, sender reputation, and other factors to determine the likelihood of an email being spam.

💡Related guide: How Email Spam Filters Work and Ways to Safeguard Against Them

4. Automate email responses

AI can be your PA when you can't find time to respond to emails that are not on priority. With AI email responders, you can automate your responses and complete small tasks while working on the priority tasks. This includes scheduling meetings, repetitive customer queries, and automated email replies.

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Best AI email management tools

You can use various AI email management tools to help you achieve inbox zero in minutes. All you need to do is set them up with your email software. Here is the list of some of these tools:

1. Levity: For organizing the inbox

Levity is an AI email management that automates email management tasks like organizing your inbox and automatically sorts emails with AI.


Levity lets you try out the tool for 30 days for free with only 500 actions. To scale, you can try out its startup, business, and enterprise plans starting from $49 per month. You can customize the number of tasks and pay only for the required tasks. Explore the full pricing plan here.


What I liked about this tool is how it is beginner-friendly and has an easy-to-use interface that anyone can understand. It sets your space work and gets you started with the work.

💡Related guide: 20 No-Code AI Tools to Streamline Your Workflows

2. Shortwave: Get inbox zero

Shortwave is another AI email management tool that helps you summarize emails, prioritize important tasks and streamline your workflow to work faster and more efficiently.


Shortwave comes with a free trial that lets you use the tool for free for 90 days. To try premium features, you can go for paid monthly plans starting from $9. Check the pricing here.


The UI is intuitive and easy to navigate. I liked how it joins threads of emails and categorizes them with labels, so it's easy to open the one relevant to me.

3. Sanebox: Categorize and label your emails

Sanebox is an AI email management tool that helps you sort and categorize emails and prioritize the important ones for you automatically. It updates what was sorted and organized so you are always on track.


Sanebox is free to use for 2 weeks. After that, you can choose from paid monthly plans starting from $3.49. Check the full pricing plan here.


I liked how Sanebox quickly arranged my emails into different folders while setting up my workspace; this allowed me to save time and learn the tool. Also, the pricing plans are cheap for the detox you get for your inbox.

4. Mailman: Setting up priorities

Mailman is a Gmail plugin that lets you control what emails you want to land in your inbox, helps you prioritize what is important, and puts no-priority emails into do not disturb mode so you can check them later.


Mailman comes with a 21-day free trial. If you liked the tool and want to convert to a paid plan, it would cost you only $10 monthly.


Mailman set up a time when I was comfortable and free to open my emails, which was convenient for me. It gave important emails a VIP tag to help me recognize what is important.

5. Clara: Schedule meetings

Clara is the best AI email assistant, a virtual employee who helps you schedule your meetings without looking at them. All you need to do is add Clara to the email, and it will take care of scheduling back and forth on your behalf.


The free trial lasts for 13 days, and if you want to let Clara handle your meetings, you can try its paid plans starting at $99 per month. Check the full pricing plan here.


It's a great tool for businesses and enterprises with tons of meetings to schedule and manage.

6. OMQ Reply: Automate responses

Want to automate your replies? OMQ Reply understands and analyzes customer emails and automatically responds to repetitive or frequently asked questions. You can integrate OMQ Reply as a plugin in other ticketing systems like Zendesk, Freshdesk, etc.


The starter plan is available at $161. There are also business, corporate, and enterprise plans that you can check out here.


Overall, it is a great tool for budding small businesses wanting to automate responses that are too frequent and generally have the same answer. This will help them save time and clear up unread messages from the inbox.

7. SpamTitan: Fights spam and phishing

SpamTitan is an AI-driven email security system that helps avoid phishing attacks, spam, malware, and ransomware. It is an easy-to-manage AI tool powerful enough to detect phishing or spam.


SpamTitan offers a 14-day trial. If you want a paid plan, you can try it out for $48.75 monthly.


SpamTitan is great for employers who want to safeguard employees from phishing, spam, or information leaks. It is expensive if you are considering using this tool at scale.


AI can be a perfect assistant that will help you organize your inbox, personalize your emails and automate the responses so that you can work in a clean inox, get your priorities right and boost your productivity and conversion rates. Various AI email management tools like Levity, shortwave, sandbox, etc. can help you healthily utilize your inbox so you don't lose your sanity while looking at the messy inbox on a Monday morning.

What you should do next

Hey there, thanks for reading till the end. Here are 3 ways we can help you grow your business:

  1. Talk to an email expert. Need someone to take your email marketing to the next level? Mailmodo’s experts are here for you. Schedule a 30-minute email consultation. Don’t worry, it’s on the house. Book a meet here.

  2. Send emails that bring higher conversions. Mailmodo is an ESP that helps you to create and send app-like interactive emails with forms, carts, calendars, games, and other widgets for higher conversions. Get started for free.

  3. Get smarter with our email resources. Explore all our knowledge base here and learn about email marketing, marketing strategies, best practices, growth hacks, case studies, templates, and more. Access guides here.

Frequently asked questions

AI uses machine learning algorithms to understand user behaviour and preferences. Based on which, it helps you clean up your inbox and prioritizes the important messages. It even helps you remove and avoid any spam and phishing.

Yes, AI can help you organize your emails easily and quickly. You can use AI email management tools like Sanebox, Shortwave, Levity etc. to manage your inbox.

Best email management practices include keeping your inbox clean and keeping it safe from any spam or phishing. You can make clean up your inbox by unsubscribing to unnecessary newsletters and emails and using a spam detection tool can keep you away from spam or fraudulent messages.

What should you do next?

You made it till the end! Here's what you can do next to grow your business:

Get smarter with email resources

Free guides, ebooks, and other resources to master email marketing.

Do interactive email marketing with Mailmodo

Send forms, carts, calendars, games and more within your emails to boost ROI.

Consult an email expert

30-min free email consultation with an expert to fix your email marketing.

Table of contents

What is email management?
Benefits of AI email management
How AI email management works
Best AI email management tools

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