Everything You Need to Know About Email Deliverability

Nupur Mittal
ByNupur Mittal

14 mins read

In baseball, all your warmup practice goes in vain if you don't hit the ball. You only stand a chance to play and win if your bat hits the ball.

The same thing happens with emails. Email campaigns are like that ball; if they're not landing in the inbox, all the investment in terms of money, time, and effort will be fruitless.

So, landing in the recipient's inbox is the primary goal of assessing the performance of your email campaigns. It is known as email deliverability, which we will discuss in this article.

What is email deliverability?

Email deliverability refers to the number of incoming emails that reach the subscriber's inbox and not the junk folder. One of the main goals of every email campaign is to have higher deliverability as only then other metrics, such as opens, clicks, etc., would matter.

Deliverability of your email campaigns rests in the hands of inbox providers (IBPs) like Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo. If emails meet the protocols placed by IBPs, your emails will land in the primary tab, keeping the deliverability high.

Often, marketers confuse email deliverability with email delivery, but there are some differences.

Difference between email delivery and email deliverability

Metric Email Delivery Email Deliverability
Definition Number of emails not bounced or rejected Percentage of emails reaching the recipient’s inbox, excluding spam.
Calculation (Sent Emails-Bounced Emails / Sent Emails) x 100 (Inbox Emails / Delivered Emails) x 100
Interpretation Indicates the overall success in reaching the receiver server Provides insights into how well emails perform in reaching the inbox
Notes Doesn’t account for spam or promotion folder placement Considers placement in spam or promotion tabs

What happens when you hit send?

Before we talk about the nitty-gritty of email deliverability, it's essential to understand what happens after you click send.

When an email is sent from the sender's server, it must clear the getaway and the spam filters. Think of them as the gatekeepers of the recipient's mail server.

These filters assess the email for different factors like the legitimacy of the sender, authenticity of email content, domain reputation, etc.

Emails that pass all the checkboxes are delivered to the recipient's server in the inbox or promotion tab (applicable for Gmail users only). However, many get stuck in the process and are either rejected by the recipient's server or sent to the spam folder.

What happens when you hit send

So, if your emails are making it to the inbox, Voila! With that in mind, let's discuss the most asked question.

Why is email deliverability important?

A good deliverability rate is non-negotiable to get a higher ROI from your email campaigns.

The first step towards conversion is getting in the inbox, and then comes the product, the copy you've written, and the design you've created. With the best design and relevant content, if you're not inboxing, your ROI will simply go for a toss.

Suryanarayan Pal, Growth Marketer, Mailmodo

All your money and time invested in setting up your strong infrastructure, messaging, and email service provider is wasted without a solid reputation. So, email deliverability monitoring is critical to ensure you get a higher ROI.

Tracking the deliverability rate also helps you identify key email deliverability issues that might be limiting the exposure of emails to your target recipients.

Deliverability works like a ripple effect.

Lower openness and engagement due to the bad deliverability of a single campaign won't have major long-term implications. However, continuous deliverability issues will impact your sender’s reputation, sender score, and email ROI.

What is a good email deliverability rate?

Globally, the average inbox placement rates (IPRs) were just below 85 percent in 2022, meaning one of every six messages failed to reach the inbox. - Validity's Email Deliverability Benchmark Report 2023

As per our State of Email Report 2023, average inbox placement rates across industries typically range between 70% and 100%.

While exact industry-specific deliverability rates can vary and may not always be publicly available, many industry reports and benchmarks provide insights into average deliverability rates for various sectors. Here’s a general overview of deliverability expectations in various industries.

Industry Range
SaaS 90%-95%
Retail 85%-90%
Finance 80%-85%
Healthcare 85%-90%
Nonprofit 70%-85%
Technology 80%-90%

Note: These ranges are indicative and can fluctuate based on specific practices and recent changes in email service provider algorithms and filtering technologies.

So, a good email deliverability rate varies from industry to industry and is context-dependent. Maintaining email deliverability above 70% is a good practice, and striving to exceed the industry average can help ensure effective email communication.

However, if it goes below 70%, it might be worth looking into email deliverability problems.

What factors affect email deliverability?

ISPs are the judge of where to put marketing emails, and if they find your email worthy, they'll land it in the subscriber's inbox. However, they consider many factors in making this decision. The most significant ones are discussed below:

Seven factors that affect email deliverability

1. Sender reputation

Email sender reputation is a sender score assigned to each sender by an Internet service provider that sends emails. The higher the score, the more ISPs will land emails in the recipient's inbox. Poor sender reputation, occurring when the score falls below an acceptable threshold, results in ISPs putting your inbox in the spam folder or rejecting it altogether.

Different ISPs have their criteria to assess the sender reputation, but some of the common criteria include:

  • The number of legitimate emails sent by the organization

  • How many recipients mark the organization's emails as spam, complain to the ISP, or unsubscribe from the mailing list?

  • How often do the emails hit the ISP's spam trap?

  • The blacklisting status of the organization's domain.

  • How many email bounces are taking place?

  • How does the recipient engage with the emails?

Numerous existing tools in the market help you get an idea of your sender reputation. Some of them are as follows.

  1. SenderScore.org

  2. BarracudaCentral

  3. TrustedSource.org

2. IP reputation

The numerical identifier of the server (sender) is known as the Internet Protocol (IP) address. Domains such as mailmodo.com, gmail.com, and companyname.com are used to send emails and assess the domain's reputation. A lower IP or domain reputation signals IP to land your email in a spam folder.

The type of IP address you use - shared or dedicated will impact your deliverability.

For instance, if you use a dedicated IP address, the sending activity and campaign performance of other senders will impact your deliverability.

Gmail spam filters also look at the envelope domain's reputation to decide if an email should land in the inbox or spam.

Here's what Mailmodo and Moengage's deliverability experts have to say about the right infrastructure and its impact on deliverability.

3. Email authentication practices

One of the key components of setting up the right email infrastructure is by following the email authentication protocols.

Email authentication conveys to your receiving server that the email is from a verified and legitimate domain, not a fraudster. Hence, email authentication is an important factor to consider so your email doesn't end up landing in a spam folder and directly reaches your subscribers' inbox.

SPF, DKIM, and DMARC are the key components that affect email deliverability in email authentication.

4. Email sending frequency and volume

While setting up the email infrastructure, it's advised to warm up the IP. It's because Mailbox filters keep an eye over sending volume and frequency. If they see a sudden surge in emails sent from a domain, it will land your email in spam.

As for frequency, it must be consistent and consider what the user has opted-in. If they opted-in only for a weekly newsletter, sending promotional emails will increase your chances of landing in spam.

5. Number of spam complaints

Spam complaints refer to the number of times a recipient marked an email as spam. Spam complaints can increase due to many reasons, including:

  • sending too frequent emails

  • irrelevant emails

  • sending emails after unsubscription

If emails get higher spam complaints, ISPs will take it as a negative sign and mark your future emails as spam emails.

6. Poor email list-building practices

Poor email acquisition strategies like:

  • Purchasing email list

  • Sending emails to disengaged or inactive users

  • Sending emails to users who have unsubscribed

  • Sending emails to non-existent, or incorrect email addresses

All these signal ISPs that you are not following the email list best practices for cleaning your email list.

Poor list hygiene affects your sender's reputation by increasing your chance of hitting spam traps, which are email addresses that capture spammers. If you keep hitting spam traps, your reputation will go downhill, and so will the deliverability.

7. The behavior of recipients

If your emails are getting delivered to the inbox, you will still enjoy the same rate for a while. Mailbox algorithms check the recipient's actions and behaviour, asking the following questions:

  • Did they open the email?

  • Which links do they click on?

  • How long do they engage with the email?

  • Do they delete the email without opening it?

  • Are they unsubscribing from your emails?

A continuous negative email engagement will accumulate over time, signaling the ISPs that your emails might not be relevant to the recipient. So, going forward, your emails will land in the junk folder.

8. The subject line and content of the email

Among the big factors, the email content seems insignificant, but it still affects email deliverability.

Everything has an impact on deliverability, from your subject line and preheader text to the email footer. ISPs use spam filters to detect irrelevant or spammy content, which can land emails in the spam folder.

Some of the common things that impact deliverability include:

  • Spam trigger words

  • Link shorteners such as bit.ly

  • Using HTTP:// links instead of HTTPS://

  • Image-only emails without any text content

  • Use of all-caps lock text

  • Too many special characters in the subject line, like Buy now!! Limited deal !!

How to ensure effective email deliverability monitoring

Here, we have discussed a few easy steps email marketers should take for successful email deliverability monitoring:

Use inbox placement & deliverability tools

Apart from ESP's insights, tools are available to help assess the health of your email program.

Tool Name What You Can Track
Google Postmaster Domain reputation, IP reputation, delivery errors, spam rate, authenticated traffic and encryption
MX Toolbox Who is sending an email purporting to be from your domain, IP reputation & geolocation, blacklist status, SPF, DKIM, DMARC performance, sender verification failures and deliverability tips
Messagebird's Inbox Tracker Inbox placement, deliverability by ISP, domain, and campaign, average time to receive an email by domain & ISP, spam trap & blocklist monitoring and complaint monitoring
Spamhaus Check if your IP is blacklisted or not.

A few other things to consider for an effective email deliverability rate are as follows.

  • Look for any DNS failure from the client's side as it causes changes to the authentication protocol.

  • Check if your email content aligns with the recipient's preferences and needs.

  • Check if you’re sending an email at a rate that the recipient can’t expect. Google Postmaster gives you a delivery error when you exceed the acceptable send limit.

Run email deliverability tests

There are a few tests you should run to keep track of the deliverability of email campaigns.

1. Seed list testing

Seed list testing is essential before running any email deliverability tests. An email seed list will have validated and whitelisted email IDs. You can send the emails on these IDs before sending them to your recipients to check whether your emails are landing in the inbox.

It also enables you to test your email across different devices and email clients.

2. Content filtering testing

Filtering your email messages based on specific content filters using tools like SpamAssassin or Cloudmark is called content filter testing.

Email screening for malware, spam, and other malicious or undesirable content is done by scanning the email’s subject line and then forwarding it via the content filtering system.

Whenever an email doesn’t pass the content filter test, it goes to the recipient’s junk folder. The chances are that the message will be sent back to the sender with a message 'undeliverable' in some cases.

3. Domain and IP blacklist testing

This test involves checking IP addresses and domains across various blacklist providers to ensure your email lands in the recipient’s inbox. The blacklist contains a list of all the spammy sender's IPs. Your deliverability will be affected if your IP is on that list.

You can access this blacklist using tools like MXtoolbox and DNS checker. All you have to do is enter your IP address, which will return the results. You might think your IP reputation is strong, but running it once won't hurt.

If you use a shared IP address, activities from other senders will impact your IP reputation. So, before you send your email marketing campaign, check the blacklist.

4. Email authentication testing

This test verifies whether your emails are passing through the three authentication protocols - SPF, DKIM, and DMARC.

Checklist to ensure higher email deliverability

Measuring the exact deliverability might be tricky. But you can watch certain signals to understand the trend of your deliverability rate and take contingent actions if it dips. Here, we have discussed pre and post-send checklists to monitor the deliverability of email campaigns:

Pre-send deliverability checklist

  1. Check if the emails are passing SPF, DKIM & DMARC authentication protocols.

  2. Check if your IP is on the block list.

Post-send deliverability checklist

  1. Keep an eye over your email analytics

DMA's Email Deliverability 2020 report shows that marketers are measuring the following metrics to monitor email deliverability:

  • Emails bounced/ not bounced (50%)

  • Low engagement (44%)

  • Inbox placement (40%)

  • Spam complaints (29%)

  1. Make sure that your domain and IP reputation in Google Postmaster should not dip suddenly. It must preferably be above or equal to medium.

  2. Ensure the spam rates in Google Postmaster is less than 0.4%.

Pay special attention to any increases in unsubscribes and drops in engagement. These factors can be signs that your sending volume and frequency are no longer meeting your customers' needs and that you need to review your strategy.

David Bitton, Co-founder & CMO, DoorLoop

Assessing the campaign's performance will help you detect exclamation points faster. So, look for these metrics to see how well your campaign performs and where you need to improve.

How to improve email deliverability

  1. Authenticate your domain with DKIM, DMARC, and SPF records.

  2. Warmup your IP address

  3. Keep a check on the sender's reputation and blacklist

  4. Use double opt-in or confirmed opt-in

  5. Make it easy to unsubscribe

Improve deliverability with Mailmodo

Maintaining the right email deliverability is difficult but not impossible.

SBNRI, a fintech company, saw lower deliverability when they sent emails from a new domain. It resulted in a lower open rate and domain reputation.

When they reached out to our deliverability consultant, they found they had poor list hygiene and higher spam complaints, among other issues. So, our team helped them

  • Segment active contacts from their email list

  • Send daily warmup emails while maintaining the frequency and volume

  • Put all the invalid and bounced emails in a suppression list.

The Mailmodo expert assessed earlier campaigns sent and analyzed many email health parameters. With their support, we became aware of how to warm up a domain, maintain email list hygiene, and manage a suppression list.

Muhet Gupta, Growth Manager, SBNRI

From setting up email authentication to measuring the campaign's performance, our email deliverability experts will assist you at every step. Wait no longer to improve your campaign's performance and land in your recipient's inbox.

Escape the spam folder with managed deliverability



The email delivery rate measures the percentage of emails successfully sent to the recipient's server, which is calculated as (Sent Emails-Bounced Emails / Sent Emails) * 100. Email deliverability, however, measures the percentage of those delivered emails that land in the recipient’s inbox, not in spam, and is calculated as (Inbox Emails / Delivered Emails) * 100.

You can check if your emails are landing in spam by using inbox placement tools like Mailmodo's inbox tracker or Google Postmaster. Running seed list tests with controlled email addresses across different platforms can also reveal where your emails end up.

Emails often end up in spam due to issues like using spammy language, poor sender or IP reputation, and improper email authentication. Other factors include high bounce rates and sending to invalid or unengaged addresses.

A good rule of thumb is to clean your email list every 3-6 months to maintain high deliverability. Regularly removing inactive or invalid addresses helps improve engagement and reduces bounce rates and spam complaints.

If your deliverability rate drops, review and enhance your email content, ensure proper domain name authentication, gradually warm up your IP, and aim for a strong sender reputation. Also, clean your email list and monitor engagement metrics to identify and address potential issues.

What should you do next?

You made it till the end! Here's what you can do next to grow your business:

Get smarter with email resources

Free guides, ebooks, and other resources to master email marketing.

Do interactive email marketing with Mailmodo

Send forms, carts, calendars, games and more within your emails to boost ROI.

Consult an email expert

30-min free email consultation with an expert to fix your email marketing.

Table of contents

What is email deliverability?
Difference between email delivery and email deliverability
What happens when you hit send?
Why is email deliverability important?
What is a good email deliverability rate?
What factors affect email deliverability?
How to ensure effective email deliverability monitoring
Checklist to ensure higher email deliverability
How to improve email deliverability
Improve deliverability with Mailmodo

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