Newoldstamp Email Signature Generator

Newoldstamp's Email Signature Generator simplifies the creation and management of professional email signatures.

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Build an email signature in 30 seconds.

Learn how to use Mailmodo’s drag and drop editor to create a professional email signature.

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What is Newoldstamp Email Signature Generator?

Newoldstamp is an email signature generator that allows users to create branded signatures for their emails. It offers a wide range of customizable professional signature templates, with options to add logos, photos, social media icons, and disclaimers. The generator is compatible with various email clients and can be integrated with Google Workspace, Microsoft Exchange, and Microsoft 365. Additionally, Newoldstamp offers features such as signature management, signature marketing campaigns, and email signature banner campaigns to enhance brand consistency and marketing strategies.


  • Newoldstamp offers a custom generator for creating branded email signatures.
  • It provides signature management for Microsoft 365, Exchange, and Google Workspace.
  • Newoldstamp has special solutions for industries such as universities, NGOs, and startups.
  • It supports email clients like Gmail, Outlook, Mac Mail, iOS, and more.
  • The Newoldstamp email signature generator offers a user-friendly interface and excellent customer support.


  • Easy and intuitive email signature generator.
  • Integration with popular email clients and service providers.
  • Ability to create personalized and branded email signatures.


  • Limited customization options for email signatures.
  • May not be compatible with all email clients and devices.
  • Pricing options may not be suitable for all users.
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