Bloominari Email Marketing Agency

Digital marketing agency Bloominari is located in San Diego and was founded in 2013. They have a team of 4 employees, and offer advertising, SEO, and web design for small businesses. They primarily focus on the arts, education, and healthcare industries.

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Synergy,Cable Conn,California Baking Co.,

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Company Size

2 - 9 Employees

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What is Bloominari Email Marketing Agency?

Bloominari, now known as Virtual Latinos, is a remote work staffing agency that specializes in finding the best virtual professionals in Latin America for small and mid-size businesses. They provide highly experienced professional services, including digital marketing, sales, customer support, project management, and administrative assistance. With a streamlined hiring process and a diverse pool of virtual professionals, Virtual Latinos offers cost savings, increased efficiency, and access to skilled professionals for their clients. They are revolutionizing the way businesses access professional services and are committed to fostering long-term work relationships that bring mutual success.


  • Transformed from a marketing agency to a full remote outsourcing solution.
  • Specializes in finding the best virtual professionals in Latin America.
  • Offers a comprehensive range of virtual assistant services, including digital marketing, sales, customer support, and project management.


  • Access to highly skilled professionals from Latin America.
  • Increased efficiency and cost savings.
  • Wide range of virtual professional services available, including marketing, administration, sales, and more.
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