Launch Mappers Email Marketing Agency

Launch Mappers is an independent boutique growth and digital marketing services company based in London with an office in Paris. The company, founded in 2019, has a team of less than ten that provides digital strategy, content marketing, email marketing, conversion optimization, SEO, and PPC services to small IT and real estate companies.

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Blend Network,Moonworkers,KISSPatent,Herddle

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2 - 9 Employees

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What is Launch Mappers Email Marketing Agency?

Launch Mappers is an email marketing agency that specializes in helping startups and businesses reach their growth goals. They provide a step-by-step map to guide clients towards success, as well as an on-demand growth team to implement their customized strategies. With services such as market positioning, lead generation, marketing automation, and performance marketing, Launch Mappers aims to improve their clients' positioning, optimize their funnels, and grow their key performance indicators (KPIs). They also offer weekly sprints to sustain growth and make processes more efficient.


  • Launch Mappers offers a step-by-step growth map to guide startups and businesses towards success.
  • They provide a bespoke growth strategy and implementation through their on-demand growth team.
  • Launch Mappers specializes in market positioning, lead generation, and marketing automation to increase sales and revenue.


Three benefits of Launch Mappers email marketing agency:

  • Highly-tailored lead generation model to meet target numbers of qualified leads.
  • Implementation of a bespoke marketing automation strategy to increase sales, revenue, and productivity.
  • Conversion-focused customer research to uncover new avenues for growth.
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Vineet Khare, Bella Vita Organic

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