
SimilarMail Email Marketing Tool

Get insights, track statistics, and explore a collection of over 4,000,000 email designs and campaigns from 40,000 leading brands. Search and follow your competitors or industry top brands to understand their latest email marketing strategies.

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What is SimilarMail Email Marketing Tool?

SimilarMail is a comprehensive email marketing tool that offers a range of features to help businesses improve their email campaigns. With SimilarMail, users can gain insights and track statistics from over 4,500,000 email designs from 43,000 leading brands. The tool allows users to access a newsletter archive of major brands, providing inspiration for content marketing and email design. It also offers data insights to increase open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, as well as improve the customer experience through customized and mobile-optimized content. Additionally, SimilarMail allows users to follow and learn email marketing strategies from leading brands and uncover global keyword trends. Overall, SimilarMail is a powerful tool for creating engaging and effective email campaigns.


  • World's largest archive of marketing emails and newsletters
  • Provides insights, statistics, and a collection of over 4,500,000 email designs from 43,000 leading brands
  • Helps in gaining knowledge of current trends and design inspirations from leading brands
  • Enables writing the best subjects and designing viral emails
  • Offers data insights to increase open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates


  • Access a collection of over 4,500,000 email designs from 43,000 leading brands.
  • Improve email marketing conversions with data insights and customized content.
  • Learn email marketing strategies and analyze content and subject strategies.


  • Limited customization options for email design.
  • Lack of advanced segmentation and targeting features.
  • Higher pricing compared to similar email marketing tools.
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every email you send

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