How to Write Persuasive Email Copies for Higher Conversions

Zeeshan Akhtar
ByZeeshan Akhtar

8 mins read

Email copy is the most crucial part that decides whether your email converts or not. It makes the recipients read and ingest your message or trash it. So writing an engaging and persuasive email is not just a valuable skill but an indispensable requirement for an email marketer.

This guide will discuss how to craft successful email marketing copy to achieve higher conversions and engagement.

10 Best Tips to write email copy that converts

  • The value of your email copy

  • Identify the objective of your email

  • Know your target audience

  • Make your email copy conversational

  • Use preheader text to your advantage

  • Proofread your email copies

  • Create different email versions and test it

  • Keep your email copy short and relevant

  • Place a suitable call to action or CTA.

  • Conclusion

10 Tips to write email copy that converts

1. The value of your email copy

The ultimate goal of using email as a marketing channel is to reach your customer. But, even though you may have crafted a killer subject line and got a good open rate, there will be no conversion if the email body isn't persuasive enough. Thus good email copies are essential to your business.

Creating such persuasive and awesome email copies might look difficult, but it can be done with some practice and keeping the following points in mind while writing the email content.

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2. Identify the objective of your email

The first important step for your email marketing campaign is identifying your goals.

  • You should write an email copy that delivers precisely what you want them to do.

  • Avoid including unnecessary information or options as it can to lower clicks.

  • Simplify your email copy by creating a specific conversion aim before writing.

For example, consider this email campaign from Flipkart. They have made the goal clear to get their recipients to buy kitchen essentials. They have mentioned the subject line's aim and give the "shop now" options, redirecting the recipients to the cart.

Flipkart email template with clear objective.

3. Choose a copywriting framework

If you’re suffering from Copywriter’s Blank Page syndrome (CBPS), you might want to consider using a copywriting framework that helps you organize your thoughts and present them in a presentable format. Here are a few that you can leverage in your email copywriting.

  • PAS

    • Problem - describe a pain point
    • Agitate - elaborate on the problem
    • Solution - provide a solution
  • FAB

    • Features - explain product features
    • Advantages - advantages of the features
    • Benefits - how the recipients will benefit
  • AIDA

    • Attention - Grab attention with a catchy statement
    • Interest - deliver information that interests the reader
    • Desire - benefits of your product
    • Action - lead to action of signing up, ordering, etc.
  • 4Ps

    • Picture - present a picture that catches attention
    • Promise - talk about what your product will deliver
    • Prove - provide customer testimonials and feedback
    • Push - push them to take action
  • 5Gs

    • Grab - grab attention
    • Glue - connect and relate with them
    • Give - provide a solution
    • Get - what are they going to get, end result of your solution
    • Grow - help them grow

Know your target audience

Effective email copywriting aims to inform the reader about your product or service. The more targeted your emails will be, the better the conversions. But you can't persuade everyone at a time. If you do, you end up writing a copy that does not appeal to anyone.

Marketing in a segmented list increases the click rate considerably. Ensure you know your users' pain points, demographics, past purchases, past email opens, source of sign-up.

For example, if you sell baby care products, it would not be beneficial to promote your new product, baby oil, to people aged 18-24 who are highly unlikely to be parents. Hence, you should always be mindful of your target audience while writing an email.

4. Make your email copy conversational

It's often recommended to build a personal connection with your audience. You can do this by following these points:

  • Concentrate on keeping it conversational.

  • Use a warm and friendly tone.

  • Avoid jargon to ensure that the reader can understand your emails.

  • Captivate subscribers' attention by sharing customer stories, testimonials, etc.

When you develop a connection with your users, they also start seeing things from your perspective.

Below is an example of Jio Saavn to help you make an email conversational.

Jio Saavn email with conversational tone

Optimize your subject lines

Subject lines are the first impression you make on your readers. Try to make the best use of it. Keep your subject lines short, precise and attractive. You can use capital letters, punctuation marks and even emojis to make it attractive. You can also try using an AI subject line generator for inspiration.

5. Use preheader text to your advantage

The subject line isn't the only factor that compels the reader to open your emails. Preheader text below the subject line also plays an important part. Thus, you should offer value and catch the reader's attention by optimizing preheader text.

Check out the below example of the emails marked in red and the preheader text. Though they have written a killer subject line, the preheader text seems uninteresting. But, if you see the non-marked emails, the preheader text is arousing curiosity by hinting at what's inside the email and thus worth opening.

Importance of preheader text in emails

6. Proofread your email copies

After you've drafted the first copy, proofread it for errors. You can even offer it to someone else and get their feedback for better results.

Many marketers suffer from the burden of their product knowledge. As a result, they forget about their audience's perspective and compose copies, which only they understand. You can see where others struggle by showing your copy to someone not as close to the product. Thus, you can fix it and reframe it in a more understandable form.

7. Create different email versions and test it

Testing your email copy is the best way to know which version performs well. It not only improves the efficacy of your copy but also gives you some insight into what resonates most with your users.

Suppose you use credible email marketing tools like Mailmodo. In that case, you can create two slightly different variants of your email copy and then conduct A/B testing.

During the stated period, the software will track both versions and send the highest converting email to the rest of the list.

8. Keep your email copy short and relevant

Email copy should be easy to ingest and read. If the copy is too wordy, users might need to read it many times to absorb the details. If the reader needs a dictionary to understand your reference, they might ignore it. Instead, try the other way around; use simple terms. Keep it short, sweet, and relevant. A perfect copy means getting to the point in content marketing and not going overboard.

Avoid generic advertising for the targeted market. For example, customer avatars have large segments, but smaller segments are also included.

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Represent a single idea

Ensure that your subject line, email body and CTA align with each other. They must convey a unified message that guides the recipient to a single action.

Introduce yourself in the introduction

Nobody likes talking to a robot. Introducing yourself in your emails gives a personal touch to it and the readers feel like they are talking to a human. It gives your emails a human touch that would otherwise be a message from a faceless identity.

Talk about benefits instead of features

When writing to the readers, don’t focus on what you have to offer or what special things your products can do. It doesn’t concern your audience. Instead, focus on what your products can do for them and how they can benefit from what you offer. Addressing their needs and desires puts them at the center of your approach.

Tell a story

Don’t make your email copy into a list of features or a list of what amazing things your products can do. Weave a story and strategically connect with the audience on a personal level. This gives your readers a context and makes the scenarios more realistic. Not to mention, a story is more engaging.

Make the copy digestible

Not everyone likes to read. When you receive an email, you instinctively scan through the email copy, going through the important headings, subheadings and bulleted points to get the gist of it. Write a copy that is easily scannable. Highlight the important points and focus on your USPs to make your copy easy to consume for your readers.

Use technology

There are many AI-powered copywriting tools and platforms that you can refer to for inspiration if not to write the whole thing. These tools will allow you to create compelling email copies for better conversions.

9. Place a suitable call to action or CTA

Email CTA is the most significant part of your email marketing strategy, as it reflects the action users need to take. All the tips we have mentioned above will also help you build the ideal call for subscribers' action.


Mailmodo is a no-code platform that helps you create interactive AMP emails. You can add interactive widgets such as polls, carousels, and accordions inside the emails. Mailmodo can help you enhance your email copies by making them more engaging and interactive. This will further increase your conversion rate.

What should you do next?

You made it till the end! Here's what you can do next to grow your business:

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Table of contents

Know your target audience
Optimize your subject lines
Represent a single idea
Introduce yourself in the introduction
Talk about benefits instead of features
Tell a story
Make the copy digestible
Use technology

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