
A Complete List of Email Marketing Statistics for 2024

Nupur Mittal
ByNupur Mittal

9 mins read

With so many emerging marketing platforms, is email marketing worth the hype? Does it generate good returns on investments? Or can we engage users with just emails? I would say yes to all these questions.


Look at these statistics: Litmus report 2023 says that 87% of brands consider email marketing an essential element for business success. Moreover, the ROI for email has increased year on year from 40.12 USD (£35.41) to 43.45 USD (£38.33). These numbers show that email marketing is not one of the most prevalent and beneficial forms of marketing, and you leverage it to achieve your business objectives.

So, to help you, we created this guide of all email marketing statistics for 2023, which you can use to understand the importance of email marketing and develop your strategy.

General email marketing statistics

  • 72% of the brands prefer email to engage with consumers across the customer journey - DMA, Marketer email tracker 2021.

  • Sales (24%) and relationships building/ loyalty (16%) are two primary objectives of email marketing campaigns by marketers - DMA, Marketer email tracker 2021.

  • In 2022, the global daily volume of sent and received emails was estimated to be around 333.2 billion. -Statista

  • In 2022, the number of global e-mail users was 4.26 billion and this figure is set to grow to 4.73 billion users in 2026. - Statista, 2023.

Email ROI and conversions statistics

Increase in Email ROI in 2021

  • 87% of brands consider email marketing an essential element for business success. - Litmus, 2023

  • Large businesses are more likely to see higher returns that is 59.44 USD (£44.08), than small/micro-companies that is 41.28 USD(£30.61) for every 1.35 USD (£1) spent - DMA 2020.

  • B2C are slightly more likely to see a higher return on their investment of 51.56 USD (£38.24) - DMA 2020.

  • The average conversion rate for 2022 stands at 8.17% after peaking in 2021 at 8.9%. - Barilliance 2023.

  • Conversion based on campaign types are: Browse Abandonment Emails: 4.10%, Email My Cart Emails: 24.58%, Cart Abandonment Emails: 18.54% - Barilliance 2023.

  • Brands using dynamic content generate an ROI of 42:1. - Litmus, 2023

Related guide: How to Calculate and Improve Your Email Marketing ROI

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Optimize the right email metrics for higher ROI

Average email benchmark for all industries

Getresponse, Mailchimp, and DMA measured the industry average for all email metrics. The table below is what they found:

Metrics↓ Getresponse Mailerlite DMA (2023)
Average delivery rate - - 97.9%
Average open rate 26.80%. 41.31% 31.8%
Average click-through rate 1.89%. 3.01% 1.5%
Average click-to-open rate 7.01% 7.38% 4.4%
Average unsubscribe rate 0.1%. 0.24% 0.07%
Average spam complaint rate 0.01%. - -

Also, Netcore and Campaign Monitor tried to find out the average statistics of all industries. Here's what they found:

Metrics↓ Netcore 2023 Campaign Monitor 2022
Average open rate 24% 21.5%
Average click-through rate 1% 2.3%
Average click-to-open rate 3% 10.5%
Average unsubscribe rate - 0.1%

Deliverability rate

  • Global inbox placement rate was almost at 85% in 2022, while the spam placement rate was 6.1% - Validity report, 2023.
  • Gmail achieved the top delivery performance rate at 88.1%, with Microsoft following closely as the second-highest at 82.5%. - Validity report, 2023
  • Real-estate was the top industry with the highest deliverability rate of 97.1%. - Validity report, 2023

Email client statistics

Email client share 2021

B2B email marketing statistics

Email is the preferred organic content distribution channel for 87% of B2B marketers.

  • 59% of B2B marketers cite email as their top channel for revenue generation - Backlinko.

Related guide Your One-Stop Guide For B2B Email Marketing to Drive Sales

B2C email marketing statistics

  • Open rates increased 2X for brands in the retail sector when they used to send time optimization (STO) for their audience - Netcore, Email Benchmark Report 2020.

Banking and retail sector got higher clicks by using videos in their email campaigns

  • Media and Publishing brands have the highest open rates (75%), followed by the insurance industry with a 70% open rate. - Netcore, Email Benchmark Report 2020.

  • The overall average open rate for cart abandonment emails is 40.14%, with a click-through rate of 28.64% - Sales cycle.

Related guide: A Comprehensive Guide To B2C Email Marketing

Email content statistics

Interactive vs static email statistics

  • 91% of consumers want interactive content, but only 17% of marketers provide it. - Litmus 2020.

% of marketers who use emails for nurturing customers across the funnel in 2020 vs 2021

AI email marketing statistics

  • 64% of marketers are already using AI as a marketing assistant, while, 38% of marketers plan to use it in 2024. - Hubspot State of Marketing, 2023
  • About 51% believed that AI email marketing proved to be more effective than traditional email marketing methods while roughly 20% believed there is no significant change. - Statista, 2023
  • 40% of the respondents used AI primarily for content and image generation while 34% used it for content personalization and newsletters. - Statista, 2023
  • Marketers using AI for email personalization reported a 41% increase in revenue and a higher click-through rate of 13.44%.
  • 64% of the leaders have already invested in AI for their employees to use. - Hubspot State of AI Report, 2023
  • 71% report a positive ROI after employing AI, and 72% say it makes their workers more productive. - Hubspot State of AI Report, 2023

Email accessibility statistics

  • Although 77% of brands prioritize enhancing email accessibility, merely 8% adhere to best practices across all their campaigns. - Hubspot State of Marketing Report, 2023

  • 57% of email marketers consider email accessibility, while 245 of them sometimes consider it. However, 195 marketers do not consider email accessibility at all - Pathwire Accessibility in the Inbox report 2021.

  • Based on the target audience, 54% of B2B use email accessibility while a relatively higher number of B2C marketers, i.e., 64%, use it - Pathwire Accessibility in the Inbox report 2021.

Email accessibility statistics based on company size

Email performance tracking statistics

  • 48% of the businesses are focused on ‘Sales’ as the key metric in evaluating their email marketing effectiveness, and this is closely followed by ‘Click-throughs,’ ‘Conversions,’ ‘Brand awareness’ and ‘Engagement (active and inactive subscribers)’ – all at around 40% - DMA, Marketer email tracker 2021.

Most widely used types of email campaign

Most widely used metrics to check the success of email campaigns 2021

Best day and time to send emails

Best day and time to send emails in 2021

Email frequency statistics

Average % of emails sent and received weekly

  • Americans spend an average of 143 minutes checking email weekly. - Adobe Email Usage study, 2019

  • Deals/e-coupons brands send 36 campaigns monthly that is the highest frequency of email campaigns sent.

Email sign up statistics

Reasons for email signups 2021

Unsubscribe statistics

Unsubscribe statistics 2020 and 2021

Email personalization statistics

  • 55% of consumers believe receiving targeted promotions and discounts would create a more enjoyable email experience. - Dynamic Yield

  • Marketers report a 760% increase in email revenue from personalized and segmented campaigns. - Campaign Monitor

  • Personalized calls to action convert 202% better than default or standard calls to action. - HubSpot

  • Open rates are double for retail and entertainment industry emails with personalized subject lines - Netcore, Email Benchmark Report 2020.

  • Only the BFSI industries like Banking and Insurance sectors see a reduction in their open rates with personalization. At the same time, other sectors see an increase in open rate with personalization - Netcore, Email Benchmark Report 2020.

  • 80% of financial services companies personalize email body copy vs. 55% of retail/ eCommerce/consumers goods and services companies - Litmus State of Email Report 2020.

  • Emails with personalized subjects are 50% more likely to be opened - Litmus State of Email Report 2020.

Factors used for email personalization

Automation and segmentation statistics

  • Only 37% of emails sent to users are automated, while 395 are segmented - DMA, Marketer email tracker 2020.

  • 23% of the small/micro organizations are more likely to be missing ‘Automation’ while only 7% of large businesses are less likely to be missing ‘Automation' - DMA, Marketer email tracker 2020.

  • The Entertainment industry shows double the open rates when the campaigns have targeted segmented audiences - Netcore, Email Benchmark Report 2020.

  • Automated emails get 152% higher click rates than broadcast emails - Myemma.

Segmentation vs non-segmentation statistics

  • PC users have the highest click rate (72%), followed by mobile (18%) and tablets (9%) - Mailchimp 2019.

  • Responsive email templates get higher click rates on all devices. However, they are particularly effective on mobile users, where the increase in unique clicks from 2.7% to 3.1% represents a 15% increase in actual clicks - Mailchimp 2019.

Mobile device statistics

AMP email statistics

Google doc got 500% increase in comment reply rate with AMP emails

  • Indeed, a job-seeking website got 2X more job clicks on active jobs alert - alite international.

  • Guru, a knowledge-based system, increased their card comment actions by 2.5x and card verifications by 75% with AMP emails - AMP Fest 2020.

  • AWeber, a marketing automation software, included a poll in their newsletter in October 2019. Over the last five months, their engagement on AMP for Email skyrocketed 225% - AWeber.

A/b testing statistics

Most A/B test email elements in 2020

Open Rates: Pre and post-Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection (MPP)

Sparkpost has witnessed an increase in open rate after Apple MPP went into effect. Earlier open stands at 38%, but the opens shoot up to around 46% after the MPP policy.

Get a sample AMP email in your inbox

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Wrapping up

With these statistics, you can bolster your lead gen efforts even further as you now have data to back your claims. And in the future, whenever you feel like you need a good list of email marketing statistics, you can always refer to this article.

We will also keep updating this whenever there is any new data will be available.

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