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#4- AMP Emails - The Next Frontier with Mark Robbins

Tune into this chat about AMP emails with Mark Robbins, Experimental Email Developer @ Salesforce and Mailmodo to learn more about:

âś… The real-world AMP email use cases that Mark and Mailmodo are uncovering every day âś… The engagement possibilities that come to life via AMP emails: why AMP emails are not just about forms and widgets inside the email âś…The Salesforce view on this emerging email frontier âś… Real results from real Mailmodo customers

Episode Notes


Mark’s email journey


What is an interactive email?


Salesforce’s view on AMP and interactive emails


How privacy-centric and secure is AMP?


The most frequently asked questions on AMP


Emerging industries and use-cases of AMP


Difference between interactive HTML emails and AMP


Myth-busting around security aspects of AMP


Future of AMP

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4 Episodes

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Episode 4 : How to Craft Relationship-Building Content with Dennis Shiao

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Episode 3 : The Experimental Mindset in Marketing with Kasey Luck

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Episode 7 : Marketing Through a Musician’s Lens with Salima Nadira

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Episode 5: The Art of Memorable Customer Experiences with Ren from Tushy