
Use of Inline Form for Better Store Conversion


Inline forms are a crucial part of a business's digital strategy. They're often the gatekeepers to valuable user interactions, such as newsletter subscriptions, trial sign-ups, or contact requests. However, according to recent studies, an astounding 80% of web visitors abandon their forms midway, representing a significant loss of potential revenue. This article will explore the reasons behind this high abandonment rate and provide actionable strategies to improve inline form conversions. Let's dive in!

Reasons for inline form abandonment

1. Lengthy forms with multiple fields

Long forms that require too much information can easily overwhelm users. According to Dan Zarrella, reducing form fields can significantly boost conversion rates. For instance, decreasing form fields from four to three could result in a 50% increase in conversions.

Fix: Optimize form length.

Here's how you can go about optimizing your form length:

  • Minimize the number of form fields by only asking for essential information.

  • Implement multi-step forms or progressive profiling. This breaks down the process into manageable steps, preventing user fatigue.

  • Communicate the estimated time or steps required. Letting users know how much time they need to invest can increase their willingness to complete the form.

  • Leverage smart fields. These auto-populate or auto-suggest information based on user input, making the process quicker and more user-friendly.

Below is an example from Berryblush, a Shopify clothing store that has optimized its forms by limiting the fields for account creation. Berryblush

2. Mandatory phone number

As per Dan Zarrella's research, forms that require a phone number can deter users, leading to lower conversion rates. Numerous other case studies also show that adding a phone number field can drastically decrease conversions.

Fix: Avoid asking for phone numbers.

Here are some alternate approaches:

  • Make the phone number field optional. Give users the choice to share their phone numbers.

  • Ask for phone numbers only if your business model relies on post-click sales calls.

  • If using a multi-page form, consider moving the phone number field to page 2 or 3 to reduce initial form friction.

3. Unclear value proposition

Users are likelier to accept a form if they perceive value in filling it out. Communicating the benefits of form completion can significantly increase engagement.

Fix: Use a clear copy.

Here's how you can do it:

  • Communicate the benefits or incentives associated with form completion (e.g., exclusive content, discounts, personalized recommendations).

  • Use persuasive language that resonates with your target audience.

  • Highlight social proof, such as testimonials or customer reviews, to build trust and credibility.

Below is an example from ConvertCart, which uses clear, persuasive copy to encourage users to complete their form.

4. Generic error messages

Users often need help searching through a form to find and correct errors. Studies by show that 90% of users want immediate feedback on their mistakes.

Fix: Use inline field validation.

Here are some ways to address this issue are some points to keep in mind for field validation:

  • Give real-time feedback so they don't submit the wrong form and can correct their mistakes before submitting the form.

  • Indicate where the error is to make it easier for users to correct their mistakes.

  • Continue to display the error message until the user corrects it.

Below is an example from Shopify, which shows inline form validation when a field is incorrectly filled.


5. Strict formatting rules

Strict formatting requirements for fields such as telephone numbers, bank cards, or postcodes can hinder users.

Fix: Allow input in multiple formats.

To implement this, consider to:

  • Implement a backend system that standardizes input handling for specific data formats.

  • Offer clear guidance to users on the preferred format for inputting data. This can be done through tooltips, hints, or input placeholders.

6. Poor mobile responsiveness

According to WebFX, web forms must be mobile-friendly, With over 50% of all internet traffic coming from mobile devices.

Fix: Mobile responsiveness and accessibility.

Here are some ways to make them responsive and accessible:

  • Implement responsive design principles to ensure optimal form rendering on various screen sizes and devices.

  • Optimize form fields for touch-based interactions, such as larger input areas and appropriate spacing.

  • Ensure compliance with accessibility guidelines (e.g., WCAG) for users with disabilities.

  • Consider implementing alternative input methods, such as voice recognition or autofill, for an enhanced user experience.

Below is an example of how Decoity, a Shopify store, has optimized its store registration forms for mobile devices.


The previously mentioned strategy is designed to optimize your form conversions, ultimately capturing the attention of potential buyers. However, the effort may only be worthwhile with an orderly plan to capitalize on this newfound attention. How do you go about achieving this? The answer lies in email automation.

Through emails and email automation:

  • You can cultivate the interest expressed by the buyers to facilitate sales.

  • You can establish a system to achieve this effortlessly through emails and email automation.

To accomplish this, you must align the forms with appropriate email sequences based on their objectives and contextual relevance.

Consider the following basic example:

  • Forms offering discount codes: Automatically trigger emails containing these codes.

  • Forms offering freebies: Send congratulatory emails with links to the freebies or instructions on claiming them.

  • Signup forms: Enroll visitors in a welcome email journey.

  • Sales alert forms: Dispatch seasonal sales alerts, price drop notifications, and updates on competing products.

Email automation in ecommerce

Email automation allows businesses to engage customers throughout their lifecycle, from signing up to receiving updates about new arrivals and sales, without manually sending or keeping track of the emails being sent, form submissions, etc. One of the most popular email service providers that offer this service is Mailmodo, an ESP that allows you to build and send interactive emails with a drag-and-drop builder and advanced contact management.

1. Welcome email sequence

A Welcome email sequence is a powerful tool to build relationships with potential users and subscribers. It is often the first touchpoint a brand has with a customer, making it essential to make a good impression.

Why send welcome emails?

The purpose of sending welcome emails extends beyond just greeting new users. It's also an opportunity to:

  • Express gratitude and foster customer loyalty.

  • Introduce customers to product information and features.

  • Encourage first-time purchases.

This sequence is especially effective with a sign-up incentive, such as a discount code or freebie, which can help encourage users to make their first purchase.

Making of the welcome email sequence

When crafting the welcome email sequence consider the following strategies for maximum impact:

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1. Immediate delivery: Send the first email immediately upon sign-up or registration. This email should thank the user for subscribing, introduce your brand, and include the promised sign-up reward (discount code or freebie).

2. Follow-up: Follow up with relevant product recommendations 24-48 hours after the first welcome email. These should be based on the user's browsing behavior or interests indicated during sign-up.

3. Consistency: Make sure your emails are consistent in tone and design. They should also fulfill the promises made in the first email (such as delivering valuable content or exclusive offers).

4. Interactivity: Use interactive elements like AMP emails and dynamic forms to encourage users to take action by allowing them to do so directly within the email.

2. New arrivals email sequence

The New arrivals email sequence is another powerful tool in your email automation arsenal. It's a great way to inform customers about your latest products or services.

Why send new arrivals emails

New arrivals emails serve several purposes:

  • They keep your brand at the top of the customer's mind.

  • They generate excitement and anticipation for your new products.

  • They drive traffic to your website, increasing the chances of making a sale.

Making of the new arrivals email sequence

Here are some tips for creating an effective new arrivals email sequence:

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1. Announcement email: You can introduce the new product or collection. Highlight the key features or benefits, and if possible, offer an "early bird" discount to incentivize purchases. Emphasize the limited nature of the offer to create a sense of urgency.

2. More Information email: Provide more details about the new product or collection. This could include behind-the-scenes content, user guides, or customer testimonials.

3. Final call email: Send a reminder a day or two before the new arrivals launch or the early bird offer ends. Again, emphasize the urgency to encourage immediate action.

3. Sale/price drop email sequence

The Sale/price drop email sequence is crucial to any ecommerce email marketing strategy. It's your chance to re-engage customers who last made a purchase a while ago, and it's a proven way to drive conversions.

Why send a sale/price drop email

Sales or price drop emails can help you:

  • Re-engage dormant customers.

  • Move stock quickly.

  • Boost sales during slow periods.

Making of the sales/price drop email sequence

Here's how to create a sale/price drop email sequence that drives conversions:

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1. Announcement email: Let your customers know about the sale or price drop. Include clear images of the discounted products and direct links to the product pages.

2. Reminder email: Send a reminder to customers who still need to take advantage of the sale. Highlight the savings they could make and remind them of the sale's end date.

3. Final call email: Similar to the new arrivals sequence, send a final email a day or two before the sale ends. Use urgency to drive last-minute sales.

Remember always to offer value in your emails, whether useful information, exclusive discounts, or exciting news about your brand. Always test and optimize your emails to ensure they drive conversions effectively and foster customer loyalty.

Now that you have learned about the power of email automation, it's time to put it into action! Sign up with Mailmodo today to create automated email sequences and drive higher conversions.


Web forms are vital for businesses to convert website visitors into leads and customers. Understanding the reasons for form abandonment and implementing the strategies outlined in this article can significantly improve your form conversion rates and boost your revenue.

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