
10 Engaging Christmas Marketing Ideas To Boost Your Sales

Nitesh Chand
ByNitesh Chand

7 mins read

Did you know that Christmas is one of the most significant times of the year for shopping? During this period, a considerable portion of annual retail sales occurs. About 30% of yearly sales in shops happen around this holiday season. This isn't just a small amount; we're talking about big numbers.

For instance, back in 2020, the total money spent on Christmas shopping in the United States was an enormous $789.4 billion. So, if you have an online store, this season is a golden opportunity to attract more customers and boost your online sales.

In this blog, we will explore 10 creative Christmas marketing ideas to make your ecommerce store stand out and make the most of this busy shopping period.

10 engaging Christmas marketing ideas for your ecommerce store

Without any delay, let’s began without top 10 Christmas marketing ideas that will skyrocket your sales:

1. Send out Christmas themed emails

Sending special emails for Christmas is a great way to catch your customers' eyes and encourage them to buy from you.

Make your holiday emails really pop and feel personal! Use fun, catchy titles and Christmas-themed designs to get more people to open them.

You could also offer special discounts, give a sneak peek at future sales, or include festive stories or tips to keep your customers interested and ready to buy.

2. Use special Christmas packaging

This Christmas, why not make opening your products extra fun for your customers? You could use packaging with a festive design, or even include a personal holiday message and a little surprise inside.

When your customers open their orders and find these special touches, they'll feel really valued. This can make them more loyal to your brand and they might even share their experience on social media. It's a sure way to make their holiday shopping more joyful and memorable.

3. Run a Christmas giveaway

We all love the chance to win gifts, especially during the holiday season. So, a fun Christmas giveaway is a great way to get people excited about your brand.

Think about setting up a giveaway where customers can win Christmas-themed items. Get people to join in by asking them to like, comment, and share your giveaway on social media. This will help more people see it and join in. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are ideal for running such giveaways, as they allow for easy sharing and broad reach. You could also consider leveraging your website or email newsletters to promote the giveaway and reach a more targeted audience.

For example, if you sell clothes, you could do a "Christmas Wardrobe Makeover" giveaway. Offer trendy outfits, accessories, and maybe a gift card. This will create a buzz about your brand, attract new followers, and get your existing customers more engaged.

4. Create Christmas product bundles

Offering special Christmas bundles of your products is a smart way to make them more appealing. In these bundles, you can combine related items and sell them at a discount. This gives your customers a good deal and makes it easier for them to buy gifts.

For example, if you sell skincare products, you could bundle a moisturizer, lip balm, and hand cream together. Show your customers how much they can save and how convenient it is to buy these items as a set.

Here's a tip: Try making bundles that match what your customers like. You can have different types of bundles, like 'Gifts for wife,' 'Gifts for daughters,' or 'Gifts under $50'.This makes it easier for your customers to find the perfect gift.

5. Create Christmas Gift Guides

Make your customers' holiday shopping a delightful experience with a cozy, personalized Christmas gift guides. Help them pick out the perfect presents by suggesting items based on who they're shopping for.

Ask for simple details like the age, interests, and budget for their gift receiver. With this, create heartwarming lists of gift ideas that feel personal and thoughtful. You can showcase these guides festively on your website or app, adding a sprinkle of Christmas magic.

It's all about making your customers feel cared for and taking the guesswork out of their holiday gift-giving, ensuring they find those special gifts for their loved ones just in time for a joyful Christmas.

6. Organize a festive Christmas sale with a countdown timer

Make your Christmas sale the star of your website with a simple yet effective trick: add a countdown timer. This small addition can create a sense of excitement and urgency, encouraging customers to shop as the festive season approaches. Whether it's counting down to the start of your Christmas sale or ticking away the minutes until it ends, a timer can spur customers into action.

Adding a countdown timer is straightforward if you're using a popular platform. Various tools and plugins are available to help you set this up in no time. For instance, WordPress users can employ the 'HurryTimer' plugin, Shopify store owners can use the 'Countdown Timer' app, and for those on Squarespace, the 'Elfsight Countdown' widget is a great choice. By focusing on your Christmas sale and accentuating it with a countdown, you'll not only capture your customers' attention but also enhance their shopping experience during this joyous season.

7. Give your website a holiday makeover

Draw in customers who love the holiday season by adding a festive touch to your website! You can do simple things like changing your website's header, using holiday-themed images, or even adjusting the colors of your buttons. These small changes can really get your customers excited about holiday shopping.

Remember, you don't need to spend a lot of money redesigning your whole website. Even small things can make a big difference. For example, adding a little code to make snowflakes fall on your website can bring a fun, festive atmosphere.

8. Team up with social media influencers

A good idea for your Christmas promotions is to work with influencers on social media. These influencers can help spread the word about your holiday sales and products.

Find influencers who have the same kind of values as your brand and a strong group of followers that matches the people you want to reach. Get them to create attractive posts with your products, set against a Christmas theme, or suggest them as ideal Christmas gifts.

Using influencers in your marketing can really pay off. It's a good way to find new customers. Studies show that for every dollar businesses spend on this kind of marketing, they often earn back $6.50.

9. Make a fun holiday quiz

Quizzes are a great tool to get more people to join your email list and learn more about your customers on your website. They're useful for:

  • Giving your website visitors a fun way to sign up for emails.

  • Collecting useful info about new subscribers (every answer they give can tell you something important!).

  • Sending emails that are more specific to each person, based on their quiz answers.

  • Like gift guides and bundles, holiday quizzes can also make choosing gifts easier.

To maximize reach and effectiveness, these quizzes can be run on various platforms including your main website, social media channels, and through interactive email campaigns. Integrating these quizzes across multiple touchpoints increases engagement and also allows for a broader collection of customer preferences, leading to more personalized and effective marketing strategies.

How does this work?

Based on the quiz results, you can suggest gift ideas that are right for them, either on the quiz results page or in an email. Since these suggestions are based on the answers they gave, they'll be more tailored and helpful than a general gift guide for everyone.

10. Start a '12 Days of Christmas' sale

The '12 Days of Christmas' sale is a popular way to spice up your holiday sales. Here's how it works:

For 12 days, you highlight a different item each day with a special discount. But there's a catch – each deal lasts only for 24 hours. This makes the sale more exciting because if customers see something they like, they know they need to buy it that day to get the deal.

This type of sale is not just about discounts; it's like a fun event. People who like your brand will look forward to seeing what the next day's offer is, making it a cool way to keep them engaged during the holidays.


Leveraging these 10 engaging Christmas marketing ideas can significantly boost your ecommerce store's visibility and sales during the festive season. From personalized email campaigns to festive-themed content, each strategy is designed to resonate with your audience, creating a memorable shopping experience. Remember, the key is to start planning early, be creative, and stay true to your brand's identity.


To track holiday marketing, especially around days like black friday or new year, set goals like sales targets and social media interaction. Analyze website visits, sales, and loyal customer behavior. Check social media stats and get feedback after purchase. Compare yearly data for growth and improve future plans.

For better holiday checkouts, use simple payment options like PayPal and credit cards. Keep forms brief and allow guest checkout. Ensure it's mobile-friendly and add a progress bar for clarity. Building an email list is an excellent way to boost sales and reduce cart abandonment.

Boost holiday email marketing with catchy titles like "Deck the Halls with Savings!" and special offers. Add a festive landing page, exclusive discounts, free shipping, and holiday visuals. Use automated emails for timely updates and reminders about shipping deadlines. This improves sales and customer relationships.

Some social media platforms are great for holiday marketing. Instagram and Facebook are good for visual ads, while Pinterest is perfect for photo contests and gift ideas. TikTok is excellent for fun videos. The best platform depends on your audience and product.

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