Email and Web Development Email Marketing Blog

Learn how to set up HTML email templates and how to send emails for developers, designers and marketers

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Remi Parmentier

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Email Marketing HTML emails
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  • ⭐ Content focused on HTML emails and email development
  • ⭐ Written with a personal touch and perspective of the author
  • ⭐ Simple coding examples and instructions for readers to follow

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More about Email and Web Development Email Marketing Blog:

The blog mentioned in the passage is about email and web development, specifically focusing on email marketing. The author shares various articles written from 2016 to the present, covering topics such as fixing Gmail's dark mode issues, making emails react to's dark mode, and the use of background properties in VML. The blog provides valuable insights and tips for creating effective and responsive emails, with the author's personal favorites marked with a star. Readers are encouraged to explore the articles, which provide useful information on email coding guidelines and troubleshooting email client rendering.

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