AddressCheck Email Verification Tool

Check your recipient addresses before you send them for the first time: AddressCheck's live and batch check offers you the opportunity to validate email addresses in real time. Effectively increase your address quality and prevent sending to inactive addresses. In addition you benefit from enormous advantages in terms of your reputation among e-mail clients, protection against spam traps and better engagement values ​​within your newsletter.

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What is AddressCheck Email Verification Tool?

The email verification tool, AddressCheck, provided by XQueue GmbH, offers real-time validation of email addresses in online forms, reducing the error rate by 6%. It also cleans up active distribution lists by removing dangerous or worthless email addresses such as spam traps or disposable addresses. Additionally, the tool can reactivate up to 15% of bounced email addresses and enrich contact profiles with additional details such as first name, gender, and industry. AddressCheck integrates easily into any website or eCommerce platform, helping businesses increase their conversion rates.


  • Echtzeit-Validierung von E-Mail-Adressen
  • 6% mehr Kontakte durch Vermeidung von Tippfehlern mit E-Mail AddressCheck
  • Bereinigung aktiver Verteiler um gefährliche oder wertlose E-Mail-Adressen
  • Reaktivierung von bis zu 15% Outbounced Adressen
  • Anreicherung von Kontaktprofilen mit weiteren Merkmalen


  • Echtzeit-Validierung von E-Mail-Adressen in Online-Formularen zur Reduzierung der Tippfehler-Rate um 6%.
  • Bereinigung aktiver Verteiler um gefährliche oder wertlose E-Mail-Adressen (z.B. Spamfallen, Wegwerf-Adressen, uvm.).
  • Reaktivierung von bis zu 15% Outbounced Adressen (Adressen, die wegen vermeintlich zu häufiger Bounces gesperrt wurden).


  • Lack of detailed information on the specific features and functionalities of the email verification tool.
  • No mention of pricing or available plans for the tool.
  • Limited customer testimonials or success stories provided to showcase the effectiveness of the tool.
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