
Email Hippo Email Verification Tool

Professional email verification service that checks email addresses as users upload lists, or in real time via the MORE API. The service enables businesses to filter email addresses at sign-up. This prevents data errors and improves communications. Thanks to the award-winning Trust Score, the Email Hippo verification service also helps businesses reduce online fraud. That's it. Easy to use, effective and trusted by thousands of businesses.

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What is Email Hippo Email Verification Tool?

The email verification tool offered by Email Hippo is called CORE. This tool allows users to check bulk email address lists for validity and provides accurate and safe results. CORE delivers additional information about each email address, such as whether it is good, bad, or unverifiable, along with details about the domain country code and mail provider. This tool is recommended for lists with fewer than 500,000 unique email addresses.


  • Email verification tool offers bulk email address list checking that is safe and easy.
  • The tool includes an email validation API that delivers comprehensive results.
  • Real-time fraud prevention at sign-up is a feature of the tool.
  • The tool provides structured domain age data that is consistent and ready for system integration.
  • The tool offers data enrichment solutions for marketing, development, and selling online.


  • The email verification tool provides real-time fraud prevention at sign-up.
  • The tool offers a wide range of results, making it a comprehensive email validation API.
  • It provides consistent and system integration ready domain age data, enhancing company profiles.


  • Limited information provided about email verification results.
  • Lack of clarity on how the tool prevents online fraud.
  • Unclear integration readiness with existing systems.
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