mailmodo-hamburger Email Verification Tool

Check if an email address is valid or not. Our email list checker will lookup and check emails to see if they are valid. We have Mailchimp omnivore checker and other integrations like MailChimp, Activecampaign

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What is Email Verification Tool? offers an email verification tool that helps improve the effectiveness of email campaigns. With a 99% accuracy rate, their email checker ensures that your email list is free from invalid addresses, allowing you to increase your ROI. The tool also helps catch bounced emails and toxic addresses, maintaining a good sender reputation with ISPs. In addition, provides a range of features such as duplicate email removal, spam trap removal, risk validation, and syntax verification. They offer both single email verification and bulk email verification options, as well as inbox placement and blacklist monitoring services. With flexible pricing plans and integrations with popular applications, is a reliable and affordable solution for email verification.


  • Single email verification.
  • List verification.
  • Inbox tester.
  • Integrations with other applications.
  • Flexible pricing options.


  • provides a 99% accurate email checking and verification tool.
  • The tool offers a variety of features such as duplicate email removal, spam trap detection, and syntax verification.
  • offers flexible pricing plans, including a free option with 100 credits for new accounts.


  • Limited pricing options and plans available.
  • Lack of information about the accuracy rate of the email verification tool.
  • Integration options may be limited or not compatible with all applications.
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