
SoftTechLab Email Verifier Email Verification Tool

No more email/IP blacklist, zero email bounce with our Email Verifier software. You can reach more customers and improve ROI by using our email list cleaning services.

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What is SoftTechLab Email Verifier Email Verification Tool?

SoftTechLab Email Verifier is a valuable tool for proper email marketing. It allows you to check and verify the existence of real email addresses in your mailing list, helping you avoid email spam and decrease bounce rates. By improving inbox placement and email campaign performance, it helps build sender IP reputation and increases deliverability. With a 90% guaranteed result, you can download and try the software for free before opting for the premium version. SoftTechLab aims to support its customers' business growth and believes in client satisfaction.


  • Email verification software to check and verify real email addresses.
  • Helps avoid email spamming and decrease bounce rate.
  • Improves inbox placement and email campaign performance.
  • Builds sender IP reputation and increases deliverability.
  • Offers a free trial and a premium version for $60.


  • The email verification tool helps to improve inbox placement and email campaign performance.
  • It helps to decrease the bounce rate and avoid email spamming.
  • The tool guarantees a 90% result and offers a free trial for users to test its effectiveness.


  • Limited operating system support (Windows 10 supported only)
  • Relatively large file size (74 MB)
  • No mention of customer support options
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