Creating a Responsive HTML Email Marketing Course

Create attractive, responsive, HTML Emails, that work in over 30 combinations of the most commonly used email clients.

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Chris Converse

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Coding Email Design Email Marketing
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  • ⭐ Learn to create an HTML Email layout compatible with a wide range of email clients
  • ⭐ Discover techniques to design elements that will "gracefully degrade" in older email clients without losing the design integrity
  • ⭐ Add CSS to your HTML Email to take advantage of newer email clients and varying screen sizes

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More about Creating a Responsive HTML Email Marketing Course:

Creating a Responsive HTML email marketing course focuses on teaching individuals how to design and code effective email marketing campaigns. This course emphasizes the importance of creating responsive emails that can adapt to different devices and screen sizes, ensuring that messages are clear and accessible to all recipients. By enabling JavaScript and cookies, participants can fully engage with the course content and learn valuable strategies for maximizing the impact of email marketing efforts.

Get super-awesome email engagement

Get better ROI on
every email you send

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