BrainDonors Email Marketing Agency

BrainDonors is a media agency based in Sofia, Bulgaria with over 10 employees. Founded in 2019, they specialize in social media marketing, web development, and PPC services for small and mid-market firms in the fields of e-commerce, healthcare, and business services.

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Henkel,Philips,Inovativa,Nero Design Studio

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10 - 49 Employees

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What is BrainDonors Email Marketing Agency?

BrainDonors is a digital marketing agency that offers a wide range of services including digital strategy, social media marketing, Google Ads and PPC, email marketing, web design and development, and more. They specialize in helping international companies enter and grow in the European market and have a track record of success with over 120 happy clients and 100+ brands already onboard. With a team of tech-savvy experts and a focus on data-driven strategies, BrainDonors aims to make digital marketing simple and effective for businesses.


  • BrainDonors offers a wide range of digital marketing services including email marketing.
  • They have over 120 happy clients and have worked with over 100 brands.
  • BrainDonors is a leading digital agency in Europe, helping international companies enter and grow in the European market with digital marketing activities.


Benefits of BrainDonors email marketing agency:

  • Effective digital marketing strategies to help international companies enter and grow in the European market.
  • Transparent and data-driven approach, with daily optimizations and full transparency on activities and progress.
  • Positive feedback from clients, including significant results, clean website design, and detailed, data-driven work.
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