Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC Email Marketing Agency

Based in Nashville, Tenn., Cinnamon Entertainment Group is a digital marketing firm of fewer than 10 employees. They offer digital strategy, email marketing, and SEO services, specializing in the arts, media, and entertainment industry. They were founded in 1998.

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2 - 9 Employees

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What is Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC Email Marketing Agency?

Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC is a digital marketing agency that offers services such as mobile app development, SEO, artist management, and website publishing. They provide a job board for various industries, including BioTech Pharma Clinical Research Regulatory jobs and iOS & Android mobile app developer jobs. Additionally, they have their own website publishing platforms for job boards and sports blogs. Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC also offers website design and content management services, with optional SEO features. They emphasize their experience, integrity, and ability to deliver results for their clients.


  • Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC offers digital marketing, SEO, artist management, and website publishing services.
  • They have a job board for BioTech Pharma Clinical Research Regulatory jobs.
  • They have developed a mobile app called CliquePrize for running giveaways and promotions for small businesses.


  • Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC email marketing agency offers digital marketing services.
  • They provide SEO services to improve website visibility and attract organic traffic.
  • Their email marketing strategies help businesses engage with their audience and drive conversions.
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