HIPB2B Email Marketing Agency

HIPB2B is a demand generation agency based in Castleton-on-Hudson, N.Y. and founded in 2009. Their team of 29 employees specializes in email marketing, voice services, and digital strategy for small business clients in the IT, marketing, and financial services industries.

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10 - 49 Employees

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What is HIPB2B Email Marketing Agency?

HIPB2B is a leading email marketing agency that specializes in demand generation for marketing and technology clients. Their approach combines content, historical engagement, behavior data, and outbound marketing to deliver high-value outcomes. With a vast contact database, precise targeting options, and strategic channel selections, they are able to reach the right audience and generate impressive results. They have a track record of delivering thousands of leads, millions of contacts, and millions of emails sent each year. Their expertise lies in lead generation, demand creation, omnichannel marketing, and display advertising.


  • HIPB2B is a leading demand generation solution provider.
  • They use content, historical engagement, behavior data, and outbound marketing to drive high-value outcomes for marketing and technology clients.
  • HIPB2B has a large contact database, targeting options, and channel selections to deliver impressive fulfillment speeds.


  • HIPB2B is a leading demand generation solution provider.
  • They utilize content, historical engagement, behavior data, and outbound marketing to drive high-value outcomes for marketing and technology clients.
  • HIPB2B delivers impressive fulfillment speeds and has a high return rate.
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