LeadIQ Email Marketing Agency

LeadIQ is a prospecting platform based in Redwood City, Calif. The platform has a team of less than 50 that provides conversion optimization, direct marketing, email marketing, and market research services to midmarket and other-sized companies in vaious industries.

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10 - 49 Employees

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What is LeadIQ Email Marketing Agency?

LeadIQ is an email marketing agency that specializes in prospecting and helping SaaS sales teams book more meetings through better prospecting. Their platform allows users to find, capture, and sync contact data to their CRM and sales tools with just one click. LeadIQ also helps users track sales triggers, generate personalized messages, and keep Salesforce data accurate over time. They pride themselves on being a user-friendly platform that simplifies outbound prospecting and improves productivity for sales teams.


  • LeadIQ is a prospecting platform for SaaS sales teams to book more meetings through better prospecting.
  • LeadIQ offers the capability to identify the right time to reach out to prospects and accounts based on key signals.
  • LeadIQ allows users to generate complete, personalized messages for any prospect in seconds.


  • LeadIQ helps sales teams book more meetings through better prospecting.
  • It allows users to identify the right time to reach out to key accounts and buyers for warmer outreach.
  • LeadIQ enables users to generate tailored, complete sales messages in seconds for more effective communication.
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