Marketibble Email Marketing Agency

marketibble is a marketing firm based in Singapore and founded in 2020 with over two experts. They specialize in digital strategy, social media marketing, and content marketing services for small and medium-sized corporations.

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Company Size

2 - 9 Employees

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What is marketibble Email Marketing Agency?

marketibble focuses on delivering email marketing solutions for startups and SMBs, offering cost-effective strategies that emphasize customer segmentation, engagement, and data-driven optimization to help clients achieve their growth goals.


  • Focuses on creating engaging email content to drive customer engagement.
  • Offers automation and segmentation for targeted email campaigns.
  • Provides email solutions that align with brand positioning and values.


  • Delivers data-driven email campaigns tailored to target audiences.
  • Maximizes email engagement and conversions with personalized content.
  • Offers comprehensive email marketing strategies to meet business goals.
Get super-awesome email engagement

Get better ROI on
every email you send

Quotation markMailmodo is a growth
hack for my business

Vineet Khare, Bella Vita Organic

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