
RMG Email Marketing Agency

RMG is a digital commerce agency that provides various services ranging from web design and development to branding and digital strategy. They were established in New York in 2013 and now have over 400 employees worldwide. The team supports midmarket businesses in the retail and e-commerce industries.

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H-E-B,cbdMD,Camofire,Hanky Panky

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Company Size

10 - 49 Employees

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What is RMG Email Marketing Agency?

RMG Email Marketing Agency is a leading digital marketing agency that specializes in email marketing strategies and campaigns. With their expertise in creating personalized and engaging email content, RMG helps businesses connect with their target audience and drive significant results. They offer a wide array of services, including email campaign design, automation, analytics, and list management. With a focus on delivering high-quality results and achieving client objectives, RMG Email Marketing Agency is a trusted partner for businesses seeking to maximize their email marketing efforts.


  • Expertise in crafting engaging and visually appealing email campaigns.
  • Offers responsive email designs for optimal user experiences.
  • Focuses on data-driven strategies to enhance email campaign effectiveness.


  • Increased brand visibility and reach through targeted email campaigns.
  • Improved customer engagement and conversion rates through personalized and relevant email content.
  • Cost-effective and measurable marketing strategy with high ROI.
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Vineet Khare, Bella Vita Organic

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