Serengeti Digital Email Marketing Agency

Serengeti Digital Agency, an advertising company, is headquartered in Mugumu, Tanzania; Morogoro, Tanzania and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. They provide advertising, email marketing, search engine optimization, web design, and more and were founded in 2021.

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KogaTende Safaris,Bright Fortune Foundation

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Company Size

2 - 9 Employees

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What is Serengeti Digital Email Marketing Agency?

Serengeti Digital is an AI company that focuses on revolutionizing customer experiences through conversational AI (chatbots). They offer ready-made solutions for various industries and cater to platforms like Telegram, WhatsApp, and Messenger. Serengeti Digital is committed to using the latest and most powerful tools in the market to deliver exceptional results. They also prioritize security and privacy and offer comprehensive services to protect businesses' data and information. Additionally, they provide SEO services to elevate online presence and are developing Serengeti Pay, a secure payment gateway for businesses.


  • Serengeti Digital offers AI chatbot solutions for various industries.
  • They stay at the forefront of the industry by utilizing the latest and most powerful tools in the market.
  • Serengeti Digital provides comprehensive security and privacy services to ensure the protection of client data and information.


  • Enhance customer experiences with AI chatbots from Serengeti Labs, catering to diverse platforms like Telegram, WhatsApp, and Messenger.
  • Access to the latest and most powerful tools in the market to tackle even the most complex projects with ease.
  • Comprehensive security and privacy services tailored to your industry, ensuring the highest level of protection for your data and information.
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