SGK Email Marketing Agency

SGK is a global packaging and brand experience company based in London with offices in Amsterdam, Paris, Munich, and Chennai, India. The company, founded in 1953, has more than 5,800 employees and provides content marketing, branding, email marketing, event marketing & planning, packaging design, social media marketing, and video production services. SGK serves midmarket and other-sized companies in the consumer products & services, retail, financial services, and medical industries.

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Amazon,Air France,American Express,AstraZeneca

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What is SGK Email Marketing Agency?

SGK offers strategic email marketing services that focus on brand consistency and engagement. Through targeted messaging and design, they assist businesses in building meaningful relationships with their audience and driving customer loyalty.


  • Expertise in creating efficient and impactful email marketing campaigns.
  • Offers campaign automation and data-driven strategies for success.
  • Provides personalized email experiences tailored to individual customer preferences.


  • Delivers data-driven email campaigns tailored to target audiences.
  • Maximizes email engagement and conversions with personalized content.
  • Provides comprehensive email solutions to achieve business goals.
Get super-awesome email engagement

Get better ROI on
every email you send

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