Silverwood Studios Email Marketing Agency

Silverwood Studios is a full service agency based in Newtown, Pa. Founded in 2002, Silverwood Studios specializes in web design, email marketing, and video production. Silverwood Studios has a small team of fewer than 10 employees.

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Mid-size health care companies,Nationwide Retail Chain,Regional Church,Regional Financial Institution

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Company Size

2 - 9 Employees

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What is Silverwood Studios Email Marketing Agency?

Silverwood Studios is a full-service agency specializing in email marketing. With a team of design and development experts, content writers, animators, photographers, videographers, and marketing experts, Silverwood Studios offers a range of services to meet all of your marketing goals. They strive to provide top-notch products and hassle-free solutions, serving companies in Bucks County, PA, Montgomery County, PA, Philadelphia, New Jersey, and throughout the country. Expand your reach and improve your brand with Silverwood Studios' expertise in animation, SEO and content, press releases, social media, web management, direct mail, strategizing and consulting, hosting and domain support, and research. Clients have praised their fabulous work, increased sales, and effective communication.


  • Silverwood Studios offers email marketing services to drive traffic, keep customers informed, and drive sales.
  • Silverwood Studios is a full-service agency with design and development experts, content writers, animators, photographers, videographers, and marketing professionals.
  • Silverwood Studios serves companies in Bucks County, PA, Montgomery County, PA, Philadelphia, New Jersey, and throughout the country.


  • Drive traffic to your site
  • Keep customers informed
  • Email specials to drive sales
Get super-awesome email engagement

Get better ROI on
every email you send

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