
Flowium - eCommerce Email Marketing Channel

A channel dedicated to helping you increase your revenue through mastering Klaviyo, leveraging email marketing and owned marketing channels.

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Email Marketing
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  • ⭐ Useful tips for email strategies, design and automation for eCommerce
  • ⭐ Step-by-step guide on building Klaviyo workflows
  • ⭐ Tutorials every tuesday and thursday

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Tell us about your video channel or video series that'll help other email marketers and we might add it to the list

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About Flowium - eCommerce Email Marketing Channel:

Flowium is an eCommerce email marketing channel that helps online businesses optimize their email campaigns for maximum engagement and conversions. With a focus on personalized and automated email flows, Flowium offers a range of features and strategies to attract, engage, and retain customers. By using advanced segmentation and targeting, Flowium enables businesses to send highly tailored emails that resonate with their audience. With extensive analytics and reporting capabilities, businesses can track the performance of their email campaigns and make data-driven decisions to enhance their marketing efforts. Overall, Flowium provides a comprehensive solution for eCommerce businesses looking to leverage the power of email marketing to drive sales and growth.

Get super-awesome email engagement

Get better ROI on
every email you send

Quotation markMailmodo is a growth
hack for my business

Vineet Khare, Bella Vita Organic

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