Maven Collective Email Marketing Agency

Maven Collective Marketing is a B2B marketing company based in Squamish, Canada. Founded in 2012, this company has three employees. Services provided by Maven Collective Marketing include SEO, marketing strategy, and digital strategy for small to large businesses.

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1ClickFactory,IntranetPro,Codesigned,Steeves and Associates

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10 - 49 Employees

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What is Maven Collective Email Marketing Agency?

Maven Collective Marketing is a multi-award-winning B2B marketing agency that specializes in Microsoft Partner marketing. They differentiate their clients from the competition in the oversaturated software industry, helping them stand out and achieve their growth goals. Maven offers a range of services, including B2B marketing strategy, branding and positioning, inbound marketing, Microsoft Marketplace listings, and Microsoft Partner Network support. With over a decade of experience and a results-driven approach, Maven Collective Marketing is a trusted partner for businesses in the Microsoft ecosystem.


  • Maven Collective Marketing is a multi-award-winning agency specializing in Microsoft Partner marketing.
  • They help their clients differentiate themselves in the oversaturated world of software sameness.
  • Maven Collective Marketing offers a range of B2B marketing services tailored to the Microsoft ecosystem.


  • Maven Collective Marketing helps clients differentiate themselves from their competitors and stand out in the oversaturated world of software sameness.
  • They have a deep understanding of the Microsoft ecosystem and technologies, allowing them to provide specialized marketing expertise to Microsoft partners.
  • Maven Collective Marketing offers a range of services, including B2B marketing strategy, branding/positioning, inbound marketing, Microsoft Marketplace listings, and more, to help businesses realize their growth goals.
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