Jen Capstraw Email Marketing Expert

Email industry thought leader, lover of data-driven findings, and champion of women in technology- Jen is an influencer, motivator, and challenger of status quos.

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President and co-founder of Women of Email.

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Women of Email.

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Who is Jen Capstraw?

Jen Capstraw is a highly respected email expert and strategist based in New York. As the co-founder and president of Women of Email, she is dedicated to empowering women in the email industry. With her extensive knowledge and experience, Jen has become a sought-after speaker and consultant in the field. Her contributions to publications such as MediaPost further demonstrate her expertise in email marketing. Through her work, Jen Capstraw is making a significant impact on the email industry and inspiring women to excel in their careers.

About the expert's affiliated organization - Women of Email.:

Women of Email is a global organization that aims to empower and support women in the email marketing industry. With a strong focus on networking, mentorship, and collaboration, Women of Email provides a platform for women to connect, share knowledge, and advance their careers. By fostering a sense of community and offering resources, events, and educational opportunities, Women of Email promotes diversity, equality, and growth within the industry.

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