Everything Email Email Marketing Podcast

The Everything Email Podcast is a comprehensive resource for absolutely everything in the email marketing industry with fresh insights and perspectives, from debunking common email myths to solving unexpected challenges, this podcast has you covered.

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Host Producer

Kerel Cooper

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Email Marketing Growth SaaS
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  • ⭐ Deep dive into emails and people-based marketing
  • ⭐ Debunks common email myths and preempts solutions to common challenges
  • ⭐ Fresh insights and perspectives into the industry by email experts

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More about Everything email Email Marketing Podcast:

The Everything Email Podcast is a monthly podcast led by Kerel Cooper, SVP of the Customer Journey Group at LiveIntent. The podcast focuses on best practices, debunking myths, and exploring innovations in email and people-based marketing. With expert guests, the podcast aims to help listeners become experts on all things related to email marketing. Topics covered include leveraging email to continue the conversation, rethinking content marketing processes, the state of programmatic and identity, the future of marketing text messaging apps, and the importance of people-based marketing.

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